Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Life Goes On

As the world sides with Hezbollah and Israel continues to eradicate these "creatures"...yes because that's what they are...animals would not behave in such a fashion...life is beginning to get back to normal here.
The latent anti-semitism which has resurfaced 60 years after the Holocaust should not be a surprise. The world still dos not like the image of the Jew as a person capable of defending himself or inflicting harm against his assailant but rather prefers to have the Jew as a victim instead. Well baby...fuck that. If there is anything we learnt after WWII, it's that in order to defeat the Devil you have to use his own techniques. I have a number of book and film projects on hold which I am just starting to get back to again...but between the lines...I am actually waiting to see Hollywood divest itself of Mel Gibson, that drunken bastard. It's a fact that a drunk always shows his true nature while under the influence...as if the Passion of Christ wasn't enough! I wonder when the EU, those wonderful humanitarians who inflicted colonialism on the world and taught our newest Nazis the art of genocide, will decree that Hezbollah is a terrorist group?
Pretty soon the people who brought you the suicide bomb and the use of civilans as shields for their nefarious deeds will be history. And...by the way...Iran will never get the bomb...so we are not worried, but only want to complete what must be completed. We must not negate the fact that most Arab nations today do not want a state of war with Israel, but that this struggle is one of Shite fanatics against Sunnis, and Islamic Nazis against all people. A "mensch is a mensch" and humanism is not foreign to any race. Most people just want to live in peace. To Chirac and Kofi Annan...I have two words...better not to say them. Haven't heard again from Kevin Zeese. I suppose his advisors told him it was not a great idea to send email letters sympathizing with Hezbollah.