Saturday, July 29, 2006
Hard To Write But Not For Kevin Zeese

I spend quite a bit of my time living in Israel and I must admit it's been hard concentrating on my creative ventures due to the war going on all around us. In a weird chain of events that happened yesterday I got a view into how a "progressive American Senator wannabe views Israel's responsibility for the suffering of the Lebanese people.
For months I had been receiving spam from Kevin Zeese for U.S. Congress, and after trying his site's unsubscribe button 4 times, finally resorted to a threat that I would make his Internet life a horror.
This is the chain of emails which followed between us. Between him, Ralph Nader and Noam Chomsky, we don't need any more fools to usher in the era of Islamic Nazism. This reads most recent to earliest.In a nutshell, Mr. Zeese blames the situation here on Israel and U.S. policies to take over the world. "What are we doing tonight Brain?" "The same as we do every night Pinky...taking over the world!" Mr. Zeese is a fan of Hezbollah apparently.
From Philip: July 28th, 2006
Kevin, I am familiar with Gideon Levy and the the other info. However, as a former field producer for the CBC and the first producer in North America to break the story of Epidemic Diabetes Mellitus amongst first-nation peoples and their ongoing ethnic cleansing through both the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the U.S. and it's Canadian counterpart the Commission for Native Affairs- I also know,as I stated before how subjective facts are from different sources and how media and facts can be created as misinformation.
For the people on in the frontline, this discussion we are having is moot. From the Israeli perspective the blunt truth is that 82% of the population does not care what steps are taken to end the barrage of missiles targeting our population centers, and whatever political machinations are behind the situation from U.S. capitalist policies to fascist Islamic fundamentalist beliefs - this is a war which will not cease until the root of the terror is excised. I suggest you also visit these sites:
From: Kevin Zeese []
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 5:16 PM
To: Philip Hyams
Subject: Re: Zeese Campaign: Media Hits and Volunteer Updates
A few interesting items for you.
- Discussion of Lebanon, Hezbollah, Israel and Congress at: It provides a lot of fact-based context to what is occurring.
- Stop Now, Immediately
Gideon Levy - Haaretz (Israel) html
This war must be stopped now and immediately. From the start it was unnecessary, even if its excuse was justified, and now is the time to end it.... Every day increases international criticism of Israel and hatred of it. That is also an element in "national security." As opposed to the choir in Israel that makes a false presentation as if the world is cheering Israel, the images from Beirut are causing Israel enormous damage, and rightly so. Not only in the streets of the Arab world is more and more hatred being sown, but also in the West. Not only hundreds of thousands of Lebanese but tens of thousands of Westerners fleeing from Lebanon are contributing to the depiction of Israel as a violent, crude and destructive state.
etc...etc...from Mr. Keese.
Philip Hyams wrote:
Kevin, I never complained about where I am, (I wouldn't be anywhere else) nor did I insinuate you as being a simpleton. You are simply parroting pro-Hezbollah sources, distorting what is really happening on the ground in this region which has many truths for both peoples and for the world. However, there are many cultural truths and realities which you turn a blind eye to. Your justification of Hezbollah the last six years on the ground in Lebanon only proves to me what your angle is. Shevah farms was never Lebanese territory but part of Syria. In terms of anti-semitism, I couldn't care less, because it has existed for centuries, and like other forms of racism will continue to exist. Unfortunately, while technology has zoomed ahead, mankind has not. Look at Rwanda and the genocide which occurred there under the UN's watch. The same would happen here to every single Israeli should our "neigbours" be presented with the opportunity. There is one difference however - Jews won't walk to the gas chambers again nor allow nation states to threaten their extermination the Iranians are inclined to do. Don't talk to me about Israeli isolation, because this has always been a fact. The facts will play themselves out as we "talk". Obviously our vantage points are very different. Your concept of the right wing Israeli lobby not being touchable in the U.S is hilarious. Why don't you look at the power of the Arab lobby and the Saudis as discussed by Michael Moore in Farenheit 911? Civilians will die in any war. War is not ethical or clean. However, if Hezbollah deems fit to usurp the Lebanese people, like Hamas does the Palestinians by placing their weapons of terror in people's homes, stores and places of worship - many more innocent people will continue to die. And by the way, Hezbollah had six years to begin an operation initiated by missiles and the subsequent kidnapping of two of our soldiers from within our borders. This was planned in Iran in order to divert attention from their nuclear ambitions. As an Israeli I am not interested in your tie-ins to right-wing U.S. politics and U.S./Zionist bullshit, I couldn't care less. In fact the irony is that on other issues we share similar beliefs - on this issue our views are not the same as are our realities. See one of my articles and look me up on the net.
From: Kevin Zeese []
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 3:44 PM
To: Philip Hyams
Subject: Re: Zeese Campaign: Media Hits and Volunteer Updates
I'm no simpleton and I'm no anti-Semite.

Sadly, Israel's extreme reaction will increase anti-Semitism worldwide and increase Israeli isolation.
Hezollah captured two SOLDIERS in order to get back Lebanese CIVILIANS -- not charged with anything -- who have been held by Israel for years. (These civilians are a cause celebre in Lebanon.)
Israel responded with rockets into civilian areas and civilian infrastructure -- so far killing more than 400 civilians, and less that fifteen shooters. Hezbollah responded with rockets into Israel.
You blame Lebanon for being too weak to challenge Hezbollah but they are weak in large part because Israel (and Syria) occupied Lebanon for 18 years -- Israel still occupies a small agricultural area of Lebanon and has consistently crossed the border into Lebanon. Hezbollah is defending a border that the weak Lebanese government cannot control. I would much prefer a government control the border and Hezbollah be disarmed, but it is a hostile border so they are filling a void. They fill many voids in Lebanon -- they are the third largest employer, involved in economic development and providing social services as well as a political party and a military wing. Israel is already finding that Hezbollah is tougher to root out than they expected. Of course, they shouldn't be surprised since Hezbollah was a major force in pushing Israel to end the last occupation. Indeed, Hezbollah is made up in large part by the victims and their families of the last occupation. Who knows what opposition to Israel they are creating now? (Hamas was created out of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.) Israel is creating more enemies faster than they are destroying them.
My sense is that Lebanon is really being used as a battle zone to draw Syria and Iran into a mistake so they can be attacked. This has been the agenda for quite some time. This military assault on Lebanon – thorough and well-planned – is consistent with a plan put forward for Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996, “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” See: The strategy noted that the border with Lebanon was a problem that could be dealt with saying: “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon.” The goal is remaking the Middle East to the liking of the U.S. and Israel. The capture of soldiers was an excuse to go forward with this broader regional war. (The effort to justify an attack on Iran is needed because the propaganda about the nuclear program fizzled when the facts came out about that being no threat -- so another excuse was needed to attack Iran.) My sense is this is going to grow -- the question whether it is before or after the election.
Sadly, this plan is counterproductive on many, many fronts:
- it is strengthening extremist Muslims and weakening moderate Arabs (the Lebanese were divided on Hezbollah's military actions before the invasion, now they are united against Israel)
- it is increasing the likelihood of theocracies developing throughout the region, rather than more secular governments like in Lebanon which was an excellent example of an emerging democracy that mixed religions, sects and ethnicities quite well and had more rights for women than most Arab nations -- now that good example has been destroyed
- decreases the security of Israel
- increases anti-Semitism around the world
- decreases security of Americans
- increases anti-Americanism
- continues to stretch the U.S. military too thinly
and on and on. This is a mistaken policy but because of the power of the right wing Israeli lobby it is not allowed to be discussed in the United States. It is a failed policy but a political taboo that cannot be discussed. I would much rather prefer to see Tikkun dominating American Jewish thought, rather than the AIPAC right wingers who dominate through their political donations.
Don't complain about where you are -- you choose to be there.
Philip Hyams wrote:
Kevin, unfortunately you do not understand what kind of war the world is engaged in against terrorist countries like Iran who have made no secret of their desire to eradicate my country and the Jews. I would think that after 9/11 you would know what real forces are at work here. But then again, the lives of Jews come cheap from an historical perspective. (And yes, the whole situation is much more complicated with the history of capitalism, pan-arabism and European colonialism playing a part).
The Lebanese are suffering due to their gutless toleration of having a terrorist state exist within their state and are paying as we are for their acceptance of having the Syrians and Iranians dictate their national interests.
It is very interesting that when the U.S. decides to annilate 100,000 Iraqis in one night in Bagdad and position their oil executives as heads of state in Afghanistan that's all fine and dandy. When the British send their battleships to the Falklands in a war which reminds one of the Mouse Who Roared, or massacre 100,000 Mau Mau in their Kenyan concentration camps (circa 1965) - that is not disproportionate.
Basically Kevin, let's call a spade a spade when it a spade. There has always been one rule for Jews and other rules for everyone else. I assure you the disaster won't be to Lebanon or Israel. There won't be one. You may not want to believe me now as you sit in your comfy little house, faraway from the reality of what is going on - essentially, I will give you a glimpse into the Israeli mind-set - the lessons of the Holocaust are very Nitzheian. No entity will destroy this country. If the war escalates which I believe it will, and Iran and Syria who the French and the Russians have armed (see what they did in Chechnya - where was the word disproportionate used?) when it does escalate, Israel will take out Iran's nuclear ambitions as it did in Iraq in 1982. We will have no choice. A conventional war is the best of the worst so to speak for us. I see you are lobbying to be a congressman, that itself tells me that you represent specific interests. It's people such as yourself not knowing what this new global war is really about that help it to continue. The bottom line is that it will get worse but we are prepared for this. I suggest you start lobbying for immediate global sanctions against Iran and Syria who are fueling this proxy war, instead of mouthing words like mess and escalation which mean nothing to people involved in fighting for their survival. Because Kevin, if someone ever comes to make you choose to fight for your family's survival or accept their destruction, I believe you will fight.
From: Kevin Zeese []
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 3:10 AM
To: Philip Hyams
Subject: Re: Zeese Campaign: Media Hits and Volunteer Updates
If you don't appreciate the bombs near you imagine how the Lebanese feel. This is a mess that is escalating and going to be a disaster for both Israel and Lebanon.
I'd be curious what you thought of this detailed discussion of Lebanon, Hezbollah, Israel and Congress at: It provides a lot of fact-based context to what is occurring.
Philip Hyams wrote:
Kevin, I have been getting your campaign stuff for months. Now sitting here
within rocket range of Hizbollah terrorists I don't appreciate your position
vis-a-vis Israelis overeacting and all that other crap. If your cities were
being shelled you would not be so cavalier in your political statements. So
obviously this explains my overreaction and the fact that the four times I
pressed your unsubscribe didn't function.
Kfar Sava, Israel
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Zeese []
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 6:01 PM
To: Philip Hyams; Heather Vargas
Subject: Re: Zeese Campaign: Media Hits and Volunteer Updates
You can unsubscribe on the bottom -- but we will unsubscribe you . This is
the first time you've asked. I don't know how you got on the list -- but
we're happy to take you off.
There is no need to make threats -- we have no desire to email people who
don't want to receive it..
Philip Hyams wrote:
UNsubscribe me now or I'll make your internet life a horror.
July 27, 2006 *
Zeese Criticizes Israel Attack on Lebanon and Gaza Strip* U.S. Senate
candidate Kevin Zeese has been critical of Israel's attack on
civilians. "The 'sin of silence' of U.S. politicians is allowing
Israel to conduct a campaign of terror against Lebanese civilians and
destroy the infrastructure of the country. It is important for the
U.S. government to speak out against Israel's actions." Zeese has
written Rep. Cardin four letters urging him to speak out on Israel's
attack on the Gaza Strip (
and its attack on Lebanon (see ). The Washington Post
covered the growing conflict with Ben Cardin on the issue. See "This is an issue I plan
to continue to raise because it is a political taboo that must be
broken. The U.S. - Israeli relationship is a root cause of our foreign
policy mistakes and significantly undermines the security of
Americans," said Zeese.