Tuesday, May 01, 2007


The Serial Rape of Israel Continues After Winograd

Forget the notion that Israel comes close to being a western-style democracy. Just as the banks here control the country and have a license to print money, and as big business works in tandem with Israel's top 20 families to control this land's assets and lives of its citizens - so goes it with the puppet-leaders which includes Ehud Olmert and Amir Peretz.

Only mass civil protest at all levels of Israeli society can hope to being these corrupt and power hungry individuals down from their stranglehold perches of "government", from their serial rape of Israeli society.

And Israelis will continue to be violated as long as no national consensus evolves as to what constitutes a democracy. How sad that polls indicate Israelis looking at the best alternative to the current government as one being led by another tainted individual - Benjamin Nethanyahu. The people are reaping the results of their past indifference and oppression by a new virulently capitalist elite running roughshod here over most Israelis.

Last year, many lives were lost due to the greed and indifference of Olmert and Peretz to the state of social and defense affairs within this country. Let's face it. We have Katsav who will soon go to trial for rape in its full meaning, Olmert who has profited from his business connections by leveraging his political reputation to generate even more profits, Peretz a quasi wannabee demi-god who did shit all for Israeli workers while filling his own pockets from their union dues with a hefty monthly five figure pay package and benefits - a boisterous ignoramus (like the majority of Israeli politicans). A Minister of Finance caught with his fingers in the till, and the list goes on...how can we effectively defend ourselves, our nation with this collection of jackals devouring us at the same time?

Thursday night, May 3, 2007 there will be a mass protest in Kikar Rabin. If you have ever never been to any demonstration, this is perhaps one of the most important ones you should consider coming too, even if you never go to another one again.

This junta of corruption which daily rapes our country while pretending to care about its future must be repelled. If you do not lend your voice to such clear abuse of power and putrid behaviour...your own abuse and suffering on a daily basis will be prolonged. And then there will be no way to electoral reform, continued social justice, or any form of democracy in Israel. The erosion of civil rights and social rights will continue and the dark power which people such as Olmert, the Sharons, etc... and the rest of his gang wield will only strengthen until there is no turning back...and then...figure it out yourself.

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