Friday, January 16, 2009


Operation Cast Iron, The Holocaust & The Jungle

Let it be made known that I fully support the war in Gaza against the Hamas. While the world screams (along with Gideon Levi from Haaretz - that "wise voice of humanity") about the tragedy in Gaza - I say: Israel do not stop until the ability of Hamas to rearm itself is almost an impossibility. It's not that I do not feel great sorrow at the human toll in Gaza - it's that I feel greater sorrow for the eight years of rockets which have fallen and made our children in the the south of the country psychologically damaged young people, victims of war, victims of our own politician's own weak inability and yes, also greedy ambitions which prevented them from acting far earlier on against the crimes of the Palestinians.

One cannot disconnect Operation Gaza from the Holocaust. The global war agains the Jews still continues with a two-faced morality which says: There is one law for the Jews and another for the rest of the world. Anti-Semitism never went away but only hid iits ugly face for close to 60 years and has reemerged for what it still is. Israel is kept under a magnifying glass while Zimbabwe, the Sudan and other far more atrocious regions where people are being butchered are relegated to the back pages of the News. The Americans killed 100,000 poor civilians in a single night when they unjustifiably invaded Iraq. Europe cheered. When the Russsians burnt Chechnya to the ground the UN remained silent. When Jews fight a war of self-defense the world cries "bloody murder". Where were those great bleeding hearts for eight years as we were being attacked by a merciless terrorist organization?

So, let's hope that the operations in Gaza do not cease until the Hamas has been put into a position where it can no longer serve as a trigger-finger for the Iranians and the Syrians. Because when it boils down to it - this is not the end and we are going to have to face-off very soon against the Iranian and Hizbollah war machine. Gaza has been only a preliminary shot across the bow. It is time to get Israel's house in order. Yes, Mr. Levi. There is a human cost. Yes, innocent chlidren and women and men die during War...on all sides. Yes...there is no morality in War...but after the Holocaust and the fact that we are not yet "one" world nor a "global village" - Jews whether they admit it or not also deserve to defend themselves in order to survive. Yes...there is always the corruption of politicians...but there is NO PROPORTIONALITY in War and there never has been. We still live in a jungle and those that do not defend themselves are doomed to perish.


Tell The Turks Where To Go

Turkey is so adamant on bashing Israel so far as to call for our removal from the U.N. - It's time for all Israelis to boycott the country which helped invent the word genocide with their brutal extermination of the Armenians in the early part of the 20th century. In 2008 more than 500,000 Israelis visited this "progressive" Islamic republic. Why give them the businesss? Additionally, it is time our military stopped doing business with them as well.

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