Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Another Young Life Gone

My next-door neighbour lost his only son yesterday. Another young life exterminated by fire and steel ball bearings borne by a Hezbollah missile. And the war goes on. There are no words but only tears and anger. Anger at a world that sits blindly before the fanatic Islamic religious cancer wanting to devour it. France and Britain are already lost to the new Nazis in their midst while Russia fuels the Syrian war machine and the West pitifully finds no concrete way to address Iran's bellicose holocaust denying intentions. Add to this potent mix, a group of Israeli politicans, many of them corrupt, who cannot agree on a path to wage a war for this country's existence...and you are looking at an end-game approaching very quickly. No cease-fire with a predominately Shite Lebanese army, buffered by a gutless UNIFIL force will hold. The arm of the Hezbollah is just that - a military wing controlled by Iran and Syria who have not yet been held accountable for their proxy declaration of war. Don't wait for miracles. I hope this posting proves me wrong...but the fires which are burning are just beginning and the world will wake up to something akin to WWIII with a diffrence...this time it won't be the Jews who suffer extermination but those who would impose it upon them...yes...even innocent children raised in hate with their mother's milk. Too bad. But this time, we have no intention of walking into the gas chambers.